Social value represents the positive impact organisations create for society and the environment and includes benefits from jobs, growth, social, environmental and innovation.

The defence sector significantly contributes to social value through its role in ensuring national security and stability, which in turn supports broader societal well-being and development. 

The MOD Social Value Model establishes a common objective and provides a framework for companies to integrate social value considerations into their operations to drive positive change.

The MOD and Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF) are committed to making the most of the Social Value Model, realising the opportunity to make a positive difference on key issues. In collaboration with ADS and industry partners, they have created a Social Value 101 guide to show ‘What good looks like’ for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the defence sector when undertaking Government procurement procedures

The guide covers:

  • an overview of what Social Value is and what it means for suppliers
  • the Social Value considerations at each stage of the procurement process
  • articulating Social Value in a tender and making it bid specific
  • leveraging corporate initiatives to deliver additional Social Value
  • hints and tips in Social Value reporting

Social Value 101


A guide to Social Value when writing tenders

The Social Value 101 guide sets out clear guidance to help SMEs articulate the Social Value they will deliver as they go through the tender process.

It is designed for those new to Social Value and as a helpful reminder to others; outlining considerations at each stage of the procurement process to help drive positive change.

Read the Guide (PDF)

Key contributors to the Social Value 101 guide

The Defence Suppliers Forum extends gratitude and thanks to the following companies for their contributions ​towards the creation of the Social Value 101 guide for the benefit of the defence industry.

SMEs are vital for innovation and play a critical part in the resilience of our supply chain and securing our strategic advance. With over 90% of the ADS membership consisting of Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), it is important for industry to collaborate with MOD in creating a guide tailored specifically for them and we are proud to support the development of this guide. This partnership will contribute to embed social value into defence procurement policy, benefiting both buyers and suppliers across the supply chain.

The defence industry delivers on UK prosperity and innovation whilst protecting our nations and keeping our international alliances strong. The Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (2021) recognised the value of a strong domestic defence and security industrial base, and the MOD’s Social Value Model has been welcomed by industry as a method of delivering against these aims to secure the UK’s advantage.​ It is important for SMEs to utilise this guide to improve the effectiveness and best implementation of social value in their bidding processes. This will ensure suppliers are best placed to leverage the level of social value they can create, making a tangible difference for our communities, people and planet, and more effectively bid into MOD procurement contracts. ​