Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter

Special interest group

Welcome - Gender Equality - Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter


The UK’s aerospace and aviation sectors have come together to work towards gender equality in the industry through the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter.

Members of the Charter include aerospace manufacturers, airlines, airports, trade bodies and others. The Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter reflects the aspiration of the industry to see gender balance across all levels.


The Charter aims to support the overall diversity of the sector and build a more balanced and fair industry. This isn’t a piece of paper to sign and be forgotten about, but gives signatories real and achievable commitments to ensure that  more women enter into our industry, and that it feels open and accessible for women to work in aviation.

The Charter looks to support the progression of women into senior roles in the aviation and aerospace sectors, and aspires to see gender balance at all levels across aviation and aerospace. It recognises that a balanced workforce is good for business – it is good for customers and consumers, for profitability and workplace culture, and is increasingly attractive for investors. In becoming a signatory, organisations are pledging their actions to help make this a reality.


Steering Board

The charter’s Steering Board was set up to drive the progress of the charter. Led by Sumati Sharma CA, Partner – Aviation at Oliver Wyman, and Victoria Foy, EVP of Safran Seats GB, the Board consists of c.30 people, representing companies in both the aerospace and aviation industries, trade bodies, academia and Government.

The Board meets quarterly to discuss the progress made by its five work packages (WP) and make decisions on ways forward.

Work Packages

The five work packages consist of:

  • WP1 – Research and Report;
  • WP2 – Networking and Communications;
  • WP3 – Best Practice Sharing;
  • WP4 – Driving the Charter & Signatory Development; and
  • WP5 – Financing & Funding Strategy.

Key roles

Ed Raggett

Group Facilitator


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