The ADS Susmat Working Group was originally set up to manage the issues surrounding the REACH chemicals directive under the reorganisation following the creation of ADS, the remit of this group has now expanded to include other hazardous materials legislation.
The ADS SusMat Working Group assists ADS members in managing the risks associated with hazardous substances to coordinate, communicate and promote authoritative information exchange. It gives early warnings, coordinating responses and positioning. It briefs members through workshops, webinars and briefings through the ADS website and other media.
It is involved in guidance formation for supply chain communication on REACH / RoHS / CLP / POPs, etc. The Group also builds relationships with regulators and legislators (BEIS, HSE, MPs, MEPs, ECHA, EC, CAA/EASA, etc.) and works with other groups such as ASD, AIA, BCF, SEA, IAEG, etc., on Hazardous substances to stakeholders informing on regulatory compliance and risks that affect the aerospace, defence and security sectors. The SusMat Working Group also covers changes in legislation and conventions where they could have a material effect on the industry. This includes impact on the use or availability of substances and mixtures. It also includes impact on the measures needed for their use.
Conflict minerals and Health and Safety legislation unrelated to chemicals or mixtures is specifically out of scope.
Membership of this group is open to all ADS members - to join, please contact Ed Raggett by emailing: (Subject: Join ADS SusMat WG) or by calling: M. +447825712534 - D: +442070914511, who will validate your application.