The ADS Metallic Materials Special Interest Group (MMSIG) is a group of industry, Government and specialist representatives, predominantly with materials backgrounds, but also with design and manufacturing experience. The Group’s focus is to co-ordinate and report on all aspects of factors affecting the control and delivery of external and company metallic materials specifications impacting, or likely to impact, ADS member companies. It provides a proactive and relevant network of UK and International industrial expertise for metallic materials and processes and quality related activities. It also monitors environmental and quality related issues where they impact the specifications themselves.
Typically, the Group provides UK (ADS) consensus views into ISO (via BSI), SAE, SAE ITC, ASD-STAN, BSI, UK MoD and government initiatives.
The MMSIG reports to the ADS Engineering Standards Committee (ESC) on all matters relating metallic materials, and in particular, new or revised National and International metallic material and process standards, including the relevant parts of Def Stan 00-970 (Design and Airworthiness Requirements for Service Aircraft) and Def Stan 07-85 (Design Requirements for Weapons and Associated Systems; along with those standards that are being withdrawn and may impact on aerospace standards which reference them. A watching brief is also maintained on the relevant activities associated with NATO, Accuris ESDU and PRI-Nadcap.
To maintain and update, as directed by the ESC, the following SAE ITC Technical Standards:
· TS 95 SAE ITC Guidance for Selection of Metallic Material Specifications & Standards Used for New Designs.
· TS 96 SAE ITC Recommendations for Similar Metallic Material Specifications & Standards
· TS 260 Metallic Materials List of Alternative Material Specifications and Standards Only Authorised for use on SAE ITC Standard Parts