The Export Group for Aerospace, Defence & Dual-Use (EGADD) is a not-for-profit-making special interest industry group, founded in September 2004, focusing exclusively on all aspects of export and trade control matters. EGADD is the only dedicated national industrial body in the UK dealing exclusively with export control issues. EGADD operates under the joint auspices of the ADS, British Marine, the British Naval Equipment Association (BNEA), the Society of Maritime Industries (SMI), and techUK. For further information please visit:
To provide a range of export control-related products and services, including:
Lobbying Government for and on behalf of the Membership. Experts from the Executive Committee are able to undertake free informal compliance advisory visits, to assist in framing effective compliance procedures. A dedicated website identifies potential sources of help and ideas for problem solving and presents easy steps to “bite-sized compliance”. EGADD has also created, with Cranfield University, a series of externally-accredited training courses in export control compliance.
Complete and return the Membership application form which can be found at or contact Brinley Salzmann for further information by emailing: or calling 020 7091 7822