1. The role of the Defence Single Source Advisory Group (DSAG) is to
a. act a focal point for the exchange of ideas and information for companies performing Qualifying Defence Contracts or Qualifying Defence Subcontracts as defined by the Defence Reform Act 2014 (DRA) and under the Single Source Contract Regulations (SSCRs) (Regulated Contracts);
b. consider pricing, accounting and reporting aspects of single source contracts placed on UK contractors by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), international and supranational[1] defence procurement agencies under other types of contractual arrangements;
c. operate an independent, non-profit making, Special Interest Group under the ADS aegis;
d. draw on the experience and expertise of senior commercial, legal and financial practitioners from member companies.
The purposes of the DSAG are to:
1. Promote the exchange of ideas and expertise between member organisations in respect of —
a. allowable costs and profit;
b. the DRA, SSCRs and associated legislation;
c. Statutory Guidance; and
d. related accounting and reporting matters;
for single source contracting with MOD and international and supranational defence procurement agencies.
2. Provide a collective Industry view on the practical, operational and policy implications or otherwise of pricing, access, audit and related reporting of single source contracts on behalf of members on —
a. Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO) consultations, guidance and referrals;
b. legislation and legislative proposals;
c. contract terms and practices of MOD, international and supranational defence procurement agencies.
3. Make representations on behalf of its members to the SSRO, MOD, other government departments, international and supranational defence procurement agencies in respect of any matter concerning the pricing, accounting or related reporting of single source contracts, and where possible to reach an accord with these organisations on those matters from time to time in the interests of its members.
4. Consult with and advise members on representations and discussions and keep them informed of developments and outcomes.
5. Liaise with superior committees in ADS and other trade association organisations and keep them informed of issues and debates at the operational level.
6. Act as a focal point for expertise on matters relating to reciprocal pricing arrangements with other governments and supranational procurement agencies and where appropriate provide an industry view on these matters.
7. Liaise with international organisations having like objectives or purposes with a view to making representations in any manner on behalf of its members.
8. Engage professional advisors to assist in the analysis of information and for the purposes of preparing representations.
9. Do all things as shall be conducive to the attainment of the above role and purposes.
1. Membership of the DSAG is open to any company or organisation performing or who is likely to perform, single source defence contracts, upon payment of the appropriate fee.
2. No person acting as a consultant or adviser to either a person eligible for membership or a person not eligible for membership may become a member or attend any proceedings of the DSAG, except such a person appointed by the Group to advise the DSAG.
3. Member companies may appoint only a single individual to represent them at any proceedings of the DSAG. These appointments must be notified in writing to the Secretary. A representative may be accompanied by a specialist on agreement with the Secretary.