DLA Piper is a global law firm with over 4,200 lawyers in more than 30 countries across Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific and the Americas. Our global services which include corporate, tax, employment, finance and projects, l…
DMMI Strategic Limited is a manufacturer of a state of the art 6×6 EOD vehicle with a multi role capability. We manufacture the Commander 6×6, Commander 4×4 armoured personnel vehicles in a basic vehicle format and with MRAP …
Dodd & Mon Holdings Ltd are a new family company works in Property Management, and Government Consultancy Services. With it's employees holding extensive experience in Defence, Central Government and Defence procurement sect…
Donite Plastics is an industrial thermoforming company. They design and manufacture heavy duty plastic mouldings (no single use packaging). Using CAD/CAM design and the largest and most advanced Vacuum Forming and 5-axis trim…
Dontaur Engineering are a premier supplier of detailed components, assemblies & kits in line with the requirements of the AS9100:2018 Aerospace Standard.
Dontaur’s core capabilities include 3, 4 and 5 axis Milling, Multi Axis…
Dorset Software provides digital consultancy, delivering industry leading technology. We deliver agile development programmes, maintain and support existing technology (BAU) and develop new systems. For over 35 years we have …
Drake Solutions Limited was founded in 2021 by Imran Khan Abbasi and Munawar Hayat, both well accomplished business and financial consultants with industrial experience of 20 years.
As an aviation intermediary, Drake Soluti…
DRAKON delivers explosive risk expertise and the related intelligence services required to protect your assets, your people and to enhance your decision-making capacity, all through our resilience.
Expert and experienced, w…
Drone Evolution is making people safer and organisations better. We do this by creating new drone products and supplying services to commercial and public organisations directly as well as by assisting them to develop their o…
Drone Major are a leading independent drone consultancy and delivery service, advising on, designing and delivering advanced Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) or drone systems and related technology, to defence, Critical …
Drumgrange Ltd is an independent defence contractor specialising in the design, development, integration and through-life support of military systems with broad capabilities in Underwater Systems, Communications and Informati…
DT Publications are Technical Documentation Specialists that operate within 3 vertical markets: Defence, Aerospace, Rail and Mass Transit. We produce documentation to industry standards complying to relevant specifications. W…
Dynamic Aerospace Fabrications supplies complex, high-precision fabricated and machined metal parts and assemblies to market leading companies in the aerospace industry. The company is committed to providing outstanding qual…
Eagle Eye Innovations Ltd owns the Remote Unmanned Systems Training Academy (RUSTA) a UK CAA National Qualified Entity authorised to train commercial drone operatos to the CAA Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO) syllab…
Easol is an innovation-as-a-service company with extensive experience in assisting venture creation efforts, from initial concept to market launch. They have extensive experience leading the development of digital and service…