J & D Wilkie Ltd

Manufacturing Organisations


+44 (0) 1575 572502


Standards, Certs and Regs

International Standards: ISO 14001, ISO 9001

J & D Wilkie Ltd

Company Profile

J & D Wilkie Ltd (founded 1868) are well established manufacturers and suppliers to the Ministry of Defence.

We produce a wide range of specialist technical textile materials including:

  • Thermal camouflage
  • Urban camouflage
  • Multispectral camouflage
  • Camouflage anti-shine & shadow
  • Heat shields
  • Ballistic protection fabrics

We also have in house design and making up facilities and so can offer a range of bespoke tailor made products as required.

The Company is registered to AQAP – 4, BS5750, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 is a contractor and sub-contractor to the MoD (UK) and is a member of the A|D|S CLING group.

Contact us

James Lynch

CSRI Manager – UK and Europe

+44 (0)7711596549

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Hamish Rowan

Managing Director

+44 (0)7763649786

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