Company Profile
We are a UK-based company (with offices in Hong Kong and Australia) delivering high quality, professional and specialist consultancy and training services to international organisations exemplified by a close working relationship based on trust, reliability and quality of service. To date we have supported clients in 50 countries on four continents.
Our services cover all aspects consultancy and training in covert operations tradecraft, intelligence analysis and specialist investigative skills training including elicitation, open source exploitation and analysis. We have experts in the filed of anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and corruption, counter proliferation and sanctions compliance. We also provide enhanced due dilliegnce services and social media secutiry and risk assessments for companies who are deploying personnel abroad to reduce the risk of harm and corporate espionage.
Each one of our Subject Matter Experts is a skilled and respected practitioner within their own field, with many years’ operational experience working in the UK Police, Military and Special Forces, and the UK Intelligence Agencies.