We combine our expert knowledge and state-of-the-art materials analysis tools to solve your materials, manufacturing and reliability problems. Our services include reliability and failure analysis, microscopy and imaging, com…
NPL is the UK's National Measurement Institute, and is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available. NPL is working with businesses…
Connectors, Robotics & Textile Machinery
Stäubli is an innovative mechatronics solutions provider with three dedicated activities: Connectors, Robotics and Textile. With a workforce of over 4500, Stäubli has a presence in 29 …
Tml are world class CNC precision engineering sub-contractors specialising in 5 axis prismatic machining, 9 axis mill turning, multi axis EDM as well as standard CNC machining.
By investing heavily in some of the worlds …
At Trimax Technologies our passion is providing technologically advanced solutions to your operational challenges. We offer highly specialised, user focussed equipment and bespoke training to our worldwide Defence and Securit…