Posted on 27 May, 2016 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

•UK champions, Abbeyfield School, from Wiltshire, will face teams representing the USA, Japan and France at the international final

•Abbeyfield won the 10th annual UKAYRoC National Final at Stow Maries Aerodrome

•The Year 7 and 8 pupils now carry the nation’s hopes on their shoulders 

After three rounds of competition against 33 other teams, Abbeyfield School, from Chippenham in Wiltshire, came out on top to win a place at the international final.

Abbeyfield School will go on to face teams from the USA, Japan and France, who have each competed in their own national rocketry competitions. The international final will be held at Farnborough International Airshow on Friday 15 July 2016.

Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Group, said: “Congratulations to Abbeyfield School for winning the UKAYRoC national finals. They carry the nation’s hopes on their shoulders as they go forward to represent the UK against teams from the USA, France and Japan. 

“The future success of our industries is dependent on a new generation coming through with qualifications in science, technology, engineering and maths. The Rocketry Challenge is an engaging way for young people to explore how these subjects are put into practical use. In July, the Abbeyfield team will compete to win the international finals against teams from the USA, France and Japan. 

“These young people have the potential to succeed in our industry and enjoy successful and rewarding careers.”

Peter Ruddock, Chief Executive of Lockheed Martin UK, sponsors of the event added: “The UK Aerospace Youth Rocketry Challenge is a great event to excite the next generation about the possibilities of STEM projects and careers.  It is really important to show young people that maths and science are not boring subjects by engaging them in fun, creative engineering challenges.”

Organised by ADS Group, UK trade organisation for space and aerospace industries, the UK’s largest youth model rocket competition is now in its tenth year. 

Designed to encourage teamwork, creativity and innovation, the UK Aerospace and Rocketry Challenge had an overwhelming number of entrants this year. More than 185 students and 34 teams from across the UK took part in preliminary rounds; both teams from Abbeyfield School beat stiff competition.

Working with strict measurement conditions and a target altitude of 850 feet, the Abbeyfield School students had to design and build a rocket, which would carry two raw eggs and return them safely to the ground. Teams gained an insight into the aerospace industry’s engineering design and testing processes.

Jon Pickering, Cross Phase Leader of STEM at the school, said “We, as a school, are delighted and immensely proud that both Abbeyfield Teams came first and second place. We are really looking forward to attending Farnborough International Airshow and competing against the other countries.”

In 2015, James Hornsby School from Essex represented the UK at the international final at the Paris International Airshow, coming second. 

Top five teams in the national final  

WINNERS: Abbeyfield School – Team ‘Altran 1’ , from Chippenham, Wiltshire

2. Abbeyfield School  - Team ‘Altran Thunderducks’ , from Chippenham, Wiltshire

3. Steward’s Academy, from Harlow, Essex

4. Shenfield School, from Brentwood, Essex

5. Ormiston Rivers Academy, from Burnham-On-Crouch, Essex


Lockheed Martin UK, headquartered in London, is the UK-based arm of Lockheed Martin Corporation, a global security and aerospace company. Lockheed Martin UK specialises in the development, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The company employs more than 3,000 people in the UK across 21 sites, working on a wide range of major programmes spanning the aerospace, defence and civil sectors.

In 2014, Lockheed Martin’s Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle which is designed to take humans on deep space exploration, was launched by NASA.

About the Challenge 

The UK Aerospace Youth Rocketry Challenge (UKAYRoC) is a national competition to enthuse more young people about the subjects needed in the industries represented by ADS - science, technology, engineering and maths. Organised annually by ADS, UK’s largest youth model rocket competition is now in its 10th year. 

The Challenge is aimed at students aged 11 – 18 from secondary schools, colleges and/or higher education to design, build and launch a model rocket with a fragile payload. The rocket must reach a set altitude with specific total flight duration, using specified rocket kit and must adhere to the specific rules which change every year.