Strong early demand for new aircraft in 2016

Posted on 27 February, 2016 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

  • Orders for new commercial aircraft in January 2016 7x higher than orders in January 2015
  • Highest January order levels achieved since 2013, boost in orders increases backlog to 13,380
  • Delivery rates expected to grow by four per cent on 2015 levels 

Data released by aerospace trade organisation ADS Group shows that January 2016 has been marked by a significant rise in orders for new aircraft. 83 new aircraft orders – compared with just ten last January - worth up to £1.3bn to the UK’s aerospace industry.  

The backlog of aircraft on the industry’s books now stands at 13,380 which represents more than 9.5 years’ of work in hand.  

Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Group, commented: “January saw a strong start to the year and a welcome uptick in new orders. Despite some uncertainties in the global economy, demand for air travel and new aircraft remains strong.”  

“In 2016, ADS expects new aircraft deliveries to increase and the main challenges will continue to be on capacity and productivity. The Aerospace Growth Partnership is focused on maintaining UK market share and helping businesses stay ahead of intense global competition.”

 290216 ADS Commercial Aircraft Orders Deliveries Data - January 2016.pdf (396 KB)