Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Group responds to MOD Defence Innovation Initiative

Posted on 16 September, 2016 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

Following the launch of The Defence Innovation Initiative: 'Advantage Through Innovation' by the Ministry of Defence, Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Group comments:

“‘Advantage Through Innovation’ represents a step-change in the way that the MOD is addressing new threats and is a clear reflection of the value that engaging early with industry brings. It recognises the ingenuity and entrepreneurship which exists throughout the defence and security industries, and it is a pragmatic approach to creating a supportive environment in which UK companies can deliver the leading-edge capabilities required by our armed forces and security services.”

“Taking this structured approach to supporting innovation will enable UK companies to compete more effectively in tough global markets so that as well as making a valuable contribution to national security, they make a sustained contribution to national prosperity.”