Demand for long-haul travel coincides with record delivery levels for widebody aircraft

Posted on 2 November, 2015 by Api User

  • Highest ever aircraft deliveries in Q3 2015
  • Delivery levels 5% higher than same time last year
  • Q3 deliveries worth £6bn to UK aerospace industry – up by £1bn on 2014 figures

The UK’s aerospace industry hit a record high this quarter, as global aircraft production continued to increase. Production rates in the third quarter increased by 5 per cent and the industry delivered more than 100 widebody aircraft for the first time ever.

Paul Everitt, Chief Executive at ADS Group commented: “This is the first time ever the global industry has produced more than100 widebody aircraft in any quarter; a tremendous achievement and a £4 billion boost for the UK’s aerospace industry.

“It is clear there is growing demand for long haul destinations and this translates into increased economic activity and more long-term, high value. It is important the UK aerospace industry and Government continue their work through the Aerospace Growth Partnership and encourage greater investment in the skills, innovation and new plant and machinery needed to maintain our global competitiveness.”

As part of a wider manufacturing network, the UK is responsible for producing wings, landing-gear and engines for the long-haul carriers around the world. The data shows there were 240 single-aisle aircraft delivered in Q3, providing a total revenue of £6bn – up £1bn on 2014 Q3 figures.

Industry is also operating at the highest ever aircraft backlog levels, with 13,160 orders totalling up to £175bn revenue for the UK. Revenue generated from the quarterly deliveries will be used for reinvestment into R&D as well as supply chain management.

The next monthly aircraft data will be published on Tuesday 1 December 2015.

For more information, please contact:

Mary Kearney, Head of Media & PR

Tel: +44 (0)2070914521 Mob: +44 (0)7827309732


Millie Allen PR & Media Officer

Tel: +44 (0)2070914531 Mob: +44 (0)7827669592


ADS Commercial Aircraft Orders Deliveries Data - Q3 2015.pdf