Deal announced for the sale of 14 Airbus A330-900neos to Garuda Indonesia

Posted on 19 April, 2016 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

The Prime Minister today announced a deal worth almost £1 billion to UK manufacturing and the aerospace industry; confirming an order with Garuda Indonesia for the purchase of 14 Airbus A330-900neos. 

It was signed at Downing Street with the President of Indonesia, His Excellency Joko Widodo, and will secure jobs at Airbus facilities in Filton and Broughton. Rolls-Royce also signed an agreement for the provision and aftercare of Rolls-Royce engines used.  

The Prime Minister, Rt Hon. David Cameron MP said: “This deal underlines the increasing importance of our ties with Indonesia - a fast growing economy and set to become the seventh largest in the world by 2030.

“We are the fifth biggest investors in Indonesia and our relationship has more untapped potential. We want to encourage more British businesses to seize on these opportunities and we will continue to support them by banging the drum for British skills and expertise.”

Airbus Chief Operating Officer Tom Williams said: “We are delighted to welcome Garuda Indonesia as a new customer for the A330neo.

“The A330neo will bring a range of benefits from unbeatable operating economics including significant reductions in fuel consumption, lower maintenance costs and extended range capability. The aircraft will have Airbus’ all new Airspace cabin which will ensure the A330 continues to be a benchmark for passengers and airlines alike.” 

Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Group says: “Congratulations to Airbus, this order represents great news for UK’s Aerospace industry which supports high-skill, high-value employment throughout the country. It also reinforces the UK’s position as a global leader within aerospace, able to compete successfully in tough international markets.”

The deal is the latest milestone in a long standing partnership dating back more than 30 years, when the airline took delivery of its first Airbus A300.  

Arif Wibowo, CEO of Garuda Indonesia said: “We are pleased to announce that we continue our long-standing relationship with Airbus. Both Garuda Indonesia and Airbus fully understand the aim of the deal as a long-term strategy to win the global challenge.” 

Arif explained, “The A330neo represents a more-efficient future for Garuda Indonesia. This order restructuring is believed to support our continued commitment to deliver the most modern, comfortable and excellent air travel service to all customers as well as to strengthen the sustained positive growth and business expansion of the company. 

“Furthermore, we are confident that this latest technology aircraft will support us to compete better in the industry.”