The British Aviation Group welcomes the announcement by the UK Government of the development of a third runway at Heathrow. It is essential now that this decision is followed up promptly by the publication of a draft aviation National Policy Statement for consultation, leading to approval of the final NPS by parliament at the earliest possible opportunity. Airport expansion, delivered responsibly, offers significant economic and social benefit, and the decision to move forward sends a positive signal that Britain is open for business.
British businesses are international leaders in airport development and operation – including strategic planning, design, construction, and supply of equipment and services. Our global strength both draws on, and supports, the international reputation of our domestic airports, not just in the South East but across the UK.
British Aviation Group Chairman, Graham Bolton, said that “This announcement is a welcome step forward in delivering the aviation capacity needed to connect our businesses with the world. Our members look forward to supporting Heathrow in the development and delivery of a scheme that sets new benchmarks for passenger service, for social and environmental responsibility, and for speed and cost effectiveness of delivery. As BAG we will continue to work with Heathrow and the other UK airports to facilitate engagement with the aviation supply chain across the UK, supporting successful airport development at home, and promoting this capability overseas.”