ADS Statement on Home Affairs Committee Report

Posted on 21 March, 2018 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

The Home Affairs Committee today published its report on UK-EU security cooperation after Brexit.

Responding to the report, ADS agreed that continuing security cooperation should be a priority area for negotiations and it is especially important for the security sector that UK involvement in collaborative R&D programmes continues. 

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt said: 

“The UK and the EU share deep common interests in defence and security, making this area another important aspect of Brexit negotiations where no deal is not an option. 

“The Prime Minister made a welcome commitment at the Munich Security Conference to seek continued UK membership of strategic defence programmes and collaborative research projects.

“It is also vital that the UK security sector is able to continue accessing EU markets and protect supply chains without facing burdensome new customs and border controls.

“Continued close collaboration with our European partners, including on EU R&D projects designed to strengthen security capabilities across Europe, will help to protect both national security and prosperity, and must be a priority for a comprehensive deal over the UK’s future relationship with the EU.”