ADS Response to Government's New Combat Air Strategy

Posted on 21 February, 2018 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

Responding to today’s statement of intent to create a “Combat Air Strategy” by the Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, ADS warmly welcomes the strategy and the opportunity to build a closer partnership between Government and the UK defence industry.

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt said:

“The Aerospace industry is an enduring success story for UK manufacturing. Our nation’s expertise in designing, building and supporting world-leading combat air capabilities plays a vital role in safeguarding national security and generating economic prosperity

“Today’s announcement by the Defence Secretary is extremely welcome and signals the vital need for industry and Government to work together to ensure the UK remains a world leading military air power and a highly competitive and capable option in the export market.

“The strategic threats faced by the UK and its international partners and allies require long-term thinking and close collaboration between industry and Government. The UK’s world leading combat air sector welcome today’s announcement and will actively support the strategy’s development through the coming months.”