ADS Members are clear: remaining part of the EU is better for business

Posted on 3 April, 2016 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

  • Overwhelming support for remaining in the EU from Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space sectors – which collectively employ 310,000 across the UK
  • 70% of ADS Members believe it would be better for their business if the UK remained in the EU 
  • 82% of ADS Members export to the EU, more Members export to the EU than any other region
  • 69% of SME Members say it would be better for their business if the UK remained in the EU and 73% of larger companies.

A survey of ADS Members carried out by GfK has shown that opinion across all four sectors - Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space – is overwhelmingly in favour of the UK remaining part of the European Union. 

The survey confirmed that 70 per cent of ADS Member companies consider it would be better for their company if Britain voted to remain in the EU. Ten per cent expressed a preference for leaving the EU.  

Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Group says: “This survey represents the views of organisations of all sizes. The UK’s Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space sectors turnover £56bn annually, they form the backbone of the UK’s industrial economy employing thousands of people in high-skill, high-value jobs. 

“Our Members recognise the benefits of the UK remaining part of the EU: access to integrated European supply chains; R&D funding which enables the UK to compete globally, and the ability to influence and shape EU regulation. The Prime Minister has demonstrated it is possible to influence and shape EU priorities, and UK businesses have more to gain by staying in.” 

Support for the UK’s continued membership of the EU was widespread across all four sectors; 76 per cent of Aerospace companies and 74 per cent of Space companies were of the view that the UK should remain part of the EU; across Defence this figure was 70 per cent and 69 per cent of Security companies agreed. 

Paul Kahn, President of ADS says: “This survey is a clear endorsement from our members of the benefits that Britain’s membership of the European Union generates across our industries.  

“It is incumbent on us as employers to ensure that our customers, colleagues, investors and suppliers in the UK cast their vote from an informed perspective, based on the facts.  The UK’s continued ability to attract investment, which the future prosperity of our industries depend on, is entirely dependent on the Britain’s ability to compete globally.  I cannot envisage a scenario where the uncertainty created by the leap into the unknown that leaving the EU represents would make the UK a more competitive place for investment.”  

Nigel Stein, Chief Executive of GKN says: “As  the CEO of a leading British engineering company which supplies to the aircraft industry around the globe, I believe membership of the EU provides real benefits not only to GKN but the British economy as a whole.

“Our membership guarantees that GKN is not only geographically close to its European customers but also that we are able to serve them free from tariffs and trade barriers, helping to keep us competitive. In addition a seat at the table in the EU allows us to help shape regulations that impact markets across the globe as well as ensuring that we benefit from EU support for important research work that will help ensure GKN remains a world beating engineering company”.

Stephen McGlennan, Chief Executive of Hybrid Air Vehicles says: "Being in the EU has been and will continue to be vital for our business. Having access to significant R&D grants, such as the €2.5 million Horizon 2020 grant we've received, having access to a wider talent pool of engineers that are in short supply in the UK is critical to our expansion plans and even with regards to access to equity funding - we have a crowdfunding round open now - it is enormously helpful to easily raise this from anywhere in the EU.”

The Survey was carried out in February and March 2016 following agreement on the renegotiation package secured by the Prime Minister. It follows an independent assessment carried out last year by KPMG of EU membership on our sectors which showed that:  

  • The UK's Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space sectors gain significant economic benefits from the UK's membership of the European Union 
  • Our industries are clear the UK's continued membership of the EU is good for companies, their employees and the future prosperity of the country
  • Our sectors value the UK Government's ability to influence the rules of the EU single market; access to integrated EU supply chains and EU investment in UK R&D.