Vulcan’s GTH has crucial role to play in aviation industry’s recovery

Posted on 22 March, 2021 by Advance 

A groundbreaking Green Technology Hub (GTH), planned to form part of Vulcan XH558’s new future home in South Yorkshire, will have a crucial role to play in the long term survival of the civil aviation industry.

Image courtesy Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST)

That is according to Steve Liddle, long-standing trustee of the Vulcan to the Sky Trust and, by day, Formula 1 aerodynamist.

Commenting on the GTH plans, Steve said: “The civil aerospace industry is currently facing one of its most significant challenges - the Covid 19 pandemic, and while there will undoubtedly be an initial peak in demand as lockdown restrictions ease, there is an underlying move from consumers to seek out ways to travel that they perceive to be greener, together with the increased familiarity of virtual meetings in both business and leisure contexts.

“The last few decades have seen some innovation within the sector, but commercial prospects alone have not been enough of an incentive for manufacturers to push the boundaries and create completely new solutions in large swathes of the market.

“As more people are becoming aware of the urgent need to address climate change, expecting to make significant moves in their own lives such as adopting electric vehicles, aviation will need to show convincingly that it is acting consistently with this cultural shift.

“The GTH has a crucial role to play in supporting this journey by not only exploring new and more innovative ways that the industry can adapt, but also to excite and reassure people that air travel doesn’t need to be off the table when it comes to protecting the environment.

“Solutions can and do exist – and the GTH’s creation is integral in finding and showcasing the way forward for the sector, now and in the future.”

The Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST) is fundraising to create the Green Technology Hub as part of its Operation Safeguard Appeal, giving young people an insight into how scientists and engineers are tackling the climate change challenge.

The project was the vision of Dr Robert Pleming – chief executive of VTST – who passed away in February. He had dedicated his life to Vulcan and sadly will now not get to see her rehomed in her new hangar. The Trust is therefore even more determined to achieve this goal in his name.