Virgin Galactic has revealed the first phase of the interior of Spaceport America in New Mexico, the worlds first-ever commercial spaceport.
Virgin Galactic's Spaceflight System VMS Eve, prepares for flight at Spaceport America.
Copyright Virgin Galactic
For the first time, Virgin Galactic is revealing two major parts of the Spaceport.
The Cirrus Level of Gateway to Space, incorporating the flight operations working area.
Copyright Virgin Galactic
These areas constitute the operations centre which houses mission control, pilots’ working area and briefing centre, plus the ground level which will act as a shared lounge area for customers, friends and families and Virgin Galactic employees.
The new Gaia lounge at Gateway to Space, Spaceport America, New Mexico.
Copyright Virgin Galactic
Removing barriers, the ground level provides an area for customers to relax and enjoy their experience alongside Virgin Galactic staff.