Virgin Galactic completes historic first spaceflight

Posted on 14 December, 2018 by Advance 

History was made yesterday as Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, VSS Unity, landed from her maiden spaceflight.


VSS Unity takes to the skies for her first spaceflight on 13th December 2018.

Courtesy Virgin Galactic

It is the very first time that a crewed vehicle built for commercial, passenger service, has reached space. It is also the first human spaceflight to be launched from American soil since the final Space Shuttle mission in 2011.


Virgin Galactic's first spaceflight on 13th December 2018.
Courtesy Virgin Galactic

The historic achievement has been recognised by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) who announced yesterday that early next year they will present pilots Mark 'Forger' Stucky and Frederick 'CJ' Sturckow with FAA Commercial Astronaut Wings at a ceremony in Washington DC.  CJ, as a four-time Space Shuttle pilot, will become the only person to have been awarded NASA and FAA wings.


View from the cockpit on Virgin Galactic's first spaceflight on 13th December 2018.

Courtesy Virgin Galactic

Yesterday’s accomplishment has also been recognised by the NASA Flight Opportunities Program, which flew four space science and technology experiments on VSS Unity, making this Virgin Galactic’s first revenue generating flight.

The spectacular spaceflight, which was witnessed by a large crowd of staff and their families, as well as special guests and media, saw a 60 second planned rocket motor burn which propelled VSS Unity to almost three times the speed of sound and to an apogee of 51.4 miles.


Looking back to Earth during Virgin Galactic's first spaceflight on 13th December 2018.
Courtesy Virgin Galactic

As VSS Unity coasted upwards through the black sky and into space, Virgin Galactic Mission Control confirmed the news and congratulated the two astronaut pilots: “Unity, Welcome to Space”.

VSS Unity lands smoothly after her first spaceflight on 13th December 2018.

Courtesy Virgin Galactic

After a Mach 2.5 supersonic re-entry into the atmosphere, which utilised Unity’s unique 'feathering' configuration, Forger and CJ guided the spaceship down to a smooth runway landing and an emotional homecoming welcome, cheered by Richard Branson and the teams from Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship Company..


Virgin Galactic's first two astronauts walk back to greet Richard Branson.

Courtesy Virgin Galactic

Commenting from the flight line Richard Branson said: “Many of you will know how important the dream of space travel is to me personally. Ever since I watched the moon landings as a child I have looked up to the skies with wonder. We started Virgin nearly 50 years ago dreaming big and loving a challenge. Today, as I stood among a truly remarkable group of people with our eyes on the stars, we saw our biggest dream and our toughest challenge to date fulfilled. It was an indescribable feeling: joy, relief, exhilaration and anticipation for what is yet to come.

“Today, for the first time in history, a crewed spaceship, built to carry private passengers, reached space. Today we completed our first revenue generating flight and our pilots earned their Commercial Astronaut Wings. Today, we have shown that Virgin Galactic really can open space to change the world for good. We will now push on with the remaining portion of our flight test program, which will see the rocket motor burn for longer and VSS Unity fly still faster and higher towards giving thousands of private astronauts an experience which provides a new, planetary perspective to our relationship with the Earth and the cosmos. This is a momentous day and I could not be more proud of our teams who together have opened a new chapter of space exploration.”


Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic's first two astronauts.

Courtesy Virgin Galactic

George Whitesides, CEO of Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship Company, said: “What we witnessed today is more compelling evidence that commercial space is set to become one of the twenty-first century’s defining industries. Reusable vehicles built and operated by private companies are about to transform our business and personal lives in ways which are as yet hard to imagine. New enterprises are being created which will become hugely valuable, while enabling humanity to better manage some of its greatest future challenges. Today was a remarkable achievement brought about by the skill, dedication and support of our shareholders, staff, customers, partners and many other stakeholders. We extend our congratulations and thanks to each and every one of them.”

Virgin Galactic is the world’s first commercial spaceline, founded by Sir Richard Branson and owned by the Virgin Group and Mubadala Investment Group.

Virgin Galactic's aim is to transform access to space for the benefit of life on Earth. To date, over 600 men and women from over 50 countries—greater than the total number of humans who have ever been to space—have reserved places to fly on Virgin Galactic’s reusable space launch system, consisting of carrier aircraft WhiteKnightTwo and spacecraft SpaceShipTwo.

SpaceShipTwo and WhiteKnightTwo are manufactured and tested in Mojave, California by Virgin Galactic's manufacturing partner, The Spaceship Company (TSC). Spaceflight operations will be based at Spaceport America in New Mexico, the world’s first purpose-built commercial spaceport.