Versatile Vikings' £37m upgrade completed

Posted on 3 May, 2016 by Advance 


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The revamp of the Viking Fleet has seen the vehicles fitted with new mine blast protected Hulls designed to offer additional defence should they encounter an explosive device. In addition the entire fleet has had improvements made to its braking and suspension systems.The project has been managed by the MoD’s Defence Equipment and Support organistion based in Bristol.

The amphibious vehicles can be launched straight from a ship and propelled through water before landing for a beach assault. Their versatility across tough terrains was put to use when deployed on operations in Afghanistan.

Defence Minister Philip Dunne said: "The regeneration of these 99 Viking vehicles, which sit at the heart of the Royal Marines’ amphibious capability, is incredibly welcome.

"The £37 million upgrades include improvements to the braking and suspension systems, as well as new mine blast protection to help keep our troops safe.

"These advances have been made possible by the Government’s growing Defence budget and our £178 billion investment in procuring and maintaining the best possible kit for our Armed Forces."