USITC rules in favour of Bombardier

Posted on 27 January, 2018 by Advance 

The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) yesterday determined that a US industry is not materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of 100- to 150-seat large civil aircraft from Canada (Bombardier) that the US Department of Commerce has determined are subsidised and sold at less than fair value.

As a result of the USITC’s negative determinations, no antidumping or countervailing duty orders will be issued. This means jobs at Bombardier's plant in Belfast - where over a thousand jobs are dependent on the success of the C-Series aircraft (and more throughout the UK supply chain) - are more secure.

The C Series' development and production represent thousands of jobs in the United States, Canada, as well as the United Kingdom.

With this matter behind them, Bombardier said in a statement, that it is now moving full speed ahead with finalising its partnership with Airbus.

UK trade body ADS has welcomed the Bombardier ruling by the US International Trade Commission. ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt said: “This judgement from the US International Trade Commission is positive news that will be warmly welcomed by Bombardier, its workforce in Belfast and the whole supply chain of companies in the UK and Ireland.

“Aerospace is a competitive and growing sector and it is important that customers should be given access to the best technology and the most innovative products.

“It is great to see the Commission has upheld the evidence put forward by Bombardier and by Governments in the UK and Canada.

“We look forward to examining the details of the judgement when they are made available to understand its full implications.”

In a statement Boeing said it disagreed with the ITC’s conclusion, saying it 'will review the Commission’s more detailed opinions in full as they are released in the coming days'.

The Commission’s public report 100- to 150-Seat Large Civil Aircraft from Canada (Investigation  Nos. 701-TA-578 and 731-TA-1368 (Final), USITC Publication 4759, February 2018) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigations.

The report will be available by March 2, 2018; when available, it may be accessed on the USITC website at: