UK Space Agency launches Regional Space Development fund

Posted on 25 August, 2021 by Advance 

The UK Space Agency is inviting local development bodies to bid for funding of up to £100,000 to help put space at the heart of local economies, by today launching the £600,000 Regional Space Development fund, which aims to accelerate the development of a thriving, resilient and well-connected space ecosystem across the UK.

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The fund will support the space sector at a local level by supporting the recruitment of Space Cluster Development Managers and pump-priming activities that create jobs and growth.

Dr Colin Baldwin, Head of Local Growth Strategy at the UK Space Agency said: “Our cities, towns and rural areas all have competitive advantages essential to shaping our economy – and the space sector will be a key driver of future growth across the UK. This funding will strengthen innovative companies and agencies in all corners of the country, helping the UK to achieve its ambitions in space and realise its potential on Earth.”

Local economic development bodies are encouraged to act as the lead applicant. However, applications from UK Higher Education Institutions, other research organisations, and industry will also be considered.  
The deadline for applications to the Regional Space Development fund is midday on 20th September 2021.
Earlier this month, the UK Space Agency announced that twenty businesses would be supported through its Leo Programme, a free, six-month service offering companies specialist support from the space industry and business growth experts.

Data published by the UK Space Agency shows strong growth in the UK space sector.  Income rose from £14.8 billion in 2016/17 to £16.4 billion in 2018/19, representing a growth of 5.7% in real terms, while employment rose by 3,200 from 41,900 to 45,100. Research and development spending rose 18% in real terms from £595 million in 2016/17 to £702 million in 2018/19.

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