UK's largest Fire and Rescue Service seeks new Chief Officer

Posted on 15 May, 2018 by Advance 

The UK's largest Fire and Rescue Service - the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - announced today that it is to launch a planned process to appoint a new Chief Officer, seeking to attract the right candidate to take over the helm from Chief Officer Alasdair Hay in March 2019.

Courtesy Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is seeking to attract the right candidate to take over the helm from Chief Officer Alasdair Hay who has announced that he will retire – after 36 years’ service - in March 2019.

The succession plan was confirmed today by Chair of the SFRS Board, Dr Kirsty Darwent.

She said: "After a career spanning more than three decades in the fire and rescue service, Alasdair has indicated that the time is now right, both for him personally and for the SFRS, to begin preparations for his retirement.

"It is clear that it was a great privilege for Alasdair to hold the position of Chief Officer for more than five professionally rewarding years.

"Be assured that Alasdair's drive and commitment will remain unchanged - and it will be very much business as usual until he hands over to his successor next year."

The SFRS Board will now begin the formal recruitment process, ensuring there is an effective period of transition.

Dr Darwent continued: “Alasdair has led the creation of one of Scotland’s most respected and valued public services.

"It is therefore only right and proper that we are committed to attracting the very best Chief Officer to continue to lead this truly fantastic organisation.

“They will build upon the strong foundations he has laid over the past five years as the Service seeks to transform to do more to protect communities.

“This includes training and equipping firefighters to respond to terror attack and severe weather related flooding while assisting a growing elderly and vulnerable population increasingly calling upon support to stay safe.”