UK companies take a global view at Aero India 2017

Posted on 13 February, 2017 by Advance 

Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin is heading up the UK delegation at trade show Aero India, as UK and India focus on partnership, investment and technology.


Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin addresses the Make In India conference as she builds defence links in India.
Crown Copyright

Mrs Baldwin, the Minister for Defence Procurement, joined 20 UK companies at the aerospace exhibition held at Air Force Station Yelahanka.

Showcasing some of the most innovative technology in the defence, aviation and security sectors, these cutting edge businesses will be forging long-lasting industrial partnerships and joint ventures with Indian companies.

The visit builds on the Defence and International Security Partnership (DISP) agreed in November 2015.

Minister for Defence Procurement Harriett Baldwin said: "The UK and India have much to offer one another in defence: from manufacturing collaboration and simplified export controls, to military cooperation, training and research partnerships.

"As Britain steps up globally, we will work together with India to build knowledge, security and prosperity through a close industrial, military and economic partnership."

Mrs Baldwin is accompanied by the British High Commissioner to India, Dominic Asquith; Lieutenant General Mark Poffley, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff for Military Capability; and Sophie Lane Regional Director for India in the Department of International Trade’s Defence and Security Organisation (DSO).

The UK has a cutting-edge range of world class products across the air, land, maritime and security sectors and Mrs Baldwin called on UK and Indian companies to develop and sustain long term industrial partnerships, to meet the challenges of the future and launch new products into the global marketplace.