UK aircraft manufacturing on track for another record year

Posted on 31 October, 2016 by Advance 

Aircraft production rates for the third quarter of 2016 show the UK's aerospace industry is on track to deliver another record year of production, contributing nearly £7 billion to the UK economy.

A change in manufacturing processes with the introduction of new aircraft types meant a slow start to 2016; however a late surge means the industry is on track to deliver a sixth consecutive year of record-breaking output.

Paul Everitt (right), Chief Executive of ADS Group, commented: “Year-on-year aerospace increases its contribution to the UK’s economy, demonstrating the value of investment in R&D, skills and productivity improvements delivered through the Aerospace Growth Partnership (AGP).

“The UK’s aerospace industry is on track for another record year as global producers seek to further raise new aircraft deliveries. Despite a slow start to the year, as new products were being introduced, a strong third quarter means output is now above 2015 levels.

“The engine industry is focused on raising rates in the final quarter of the year.

“ADS has asked the Chancellor to use his Autumn Statement to signal the government is committed to strategically important sectors like aerospace. The industry needs to maintain investment in R&D, skills, new plant and equipment to ensure we maintain our global competitiveness.”