Two Rivers Recruitment hires Marion McColl

Posted on 15 July, 2020 by Advance 

Marion McColl, a highly experienced recruitment sector consultant, has joined the team at rapidly expanding Glasgow-based aerospace and defence recruitment specialist, Two Rivers.

Image courtesy Two Rivers Recruitment

Marion (above), whose early career experience was in the international freight and shipping industry before she was herself head-hunted into the recruitment sector, specialised initially in recruiting candidates for management posts in logistics and distribution.

Later, she held senior recruitment roles in Aberdeen where she focused on the energy sector before spending some years, with her husband, in Kazakhstan. Now, once again UK-based, she will be relocating from Aberdeen to join Two Rivers Recruitment in Glasgow.

Marion said: “My experience in the energy sector has given me a strong understanding of  employers’ needs in transferable engineering skills and it is this, as well as my extensive  contacts book of employers and candidates which has, I believe, made me an attractive senior consultant hire for Two Rivers”.

Eddie Finnigan, Two Rivers founder and managing director, said: “I met Marion some years ago when I was in an HR role at the food distributors, Brake Brothers. She was great to work with: efficient, fun, and totally reliable. She also brought us some outstanding candidates who went on to do great work for my employer.

“When I heard Marion was back in the UK and willing to re-locate to Glasgow, I jumped at the opportunity to invite her to join us.”

Marion added: " I am delighted to have joined Two Rivers at this historically important time, since the only way for the economy is up."

The company’s newest member brings valuable additional skills to the agency which, specialising in aerospace, engineering, renewables, business support and HR, recorded a record annual turnover of £1.2m in the year to 31st December 2019.

This represented a 50% leap on turnover of £800k in 2018 and, but for the interruption of the Covid-19 pandemic, Two Rivers was set to continue growing strongly, with forecast turnover in the current year of £2m.

Much of the company’s success has arisen from working with global giants including Serco and BAE Systems, as well as delivering its services to smaller, local SMEs, a key channel in the company’s growth plans.

Its relationships are also strong with other aero engineering businesses throughout the UK, as well as with the talented candidates, from Elgin to Exeter, who populate the Two Rivers database.

Mr Finnigan added: “The pandemic has had a severe impact on the recruitment sector but given that many of the roles we fill in, for example, the Middle East, have a six months’ lead-time, we’ve found that our work flow since March has been steady.

“The ability to work remotely, liaising sometimes daily with customers and candidates, means that we have been able to maintain our usual levels of service. Last year, in what was, in effect only our second year as an independent business, we secured 1143 candidate placements for both temporary and permanent positions.

“This year, since our principal strengths are our global reach and our dedication to making businesses more successful by helping them secure the people they need, we are running just a bit ahead.”

Unusually for a recruiter, Mr Finnigan, is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and worked for many years as an HR specialist including spells with BAE Systems and Emirates Airline.