Tom de Geytere appointed MD of AJW Aviation Singapore

Posted on 24 May, 2016 by Advance 

Tom de Geytere has taken up the position of Managing Director at A J Walter Aviation Singapore Pte Ltd.

Tom will develop the organisation’s regional presence to a business operation with autonomous responsibility for customer liaison and the development of solutions to suit the diverse business models of airlines operating across the region. 

His extensive industry experience enables De Geytere to provide a holistic view of the airline value chain. This has been honed by executive positions in Asian and European airlines in the fields of advisory services and business development for start-ups and legacy carriers.

De Geytere joins the team AJW Aviation Singapore from Air Via, where he was CEO for the past four years responsible for restructuring the loss-making Bulgarian charter airline. In tandem with this role, De Geytere consulted on a variety of projects globally and across cargo, legacy and start-up airlines.

Before that, he undertook a number of senior roles with Cargolux Airlines rising from business analyst to internal auditor, and ultimately adviser to the President and CEO on business development and organisational engineering.

Fluent in English, French, Dutch and conversational German, De Geytere is an MBA and served in the Belgian Airforce as an officer and pilot.

De Geytere’s appointment is an indicator of the importance that AJW places upon the whole AsiaPAC region and Group President, Christopher Whiteside, is confident that he has engaged a kindred spirit.  “Tom is accustomed to finding ways to deliver customer value that look beyond traditional services and solutions.  He is innovative and entrepreneurial in his approach and relates to AJW’s vision and the relentless pursuit of excellence, without losing the personal touch.” 

With his track record in management and business transformation, De Geytere is ideally placed to work with all parts of the AJW Group and further improve the organisation’s hallmark service levels to customers across the region. “With my airline background I can see that many operators are ready for some new value-added solutions, especially as the newer airlines start to mature and improved infrastructure opens new routes. The AsiaPAC aviation sector has some unique characteristics and interesting fleet combinations. This requires flexibility and a mind-set that is open and collaborative.  AJW has been active in the region for decades and has invested in local bases in Singapore and Shanghai to best serve our customers. I look forward to tailoring special programmes and working closely with all parts of the business, especially the AJW Technique repair facility in Montreal that already has significant business in the region, to expand our footprint further.”