Theresa May appoints Gavin Williamson as new Defence Secretary

Posted on 2 November, 2017 by Advance 

Gavin Williamson MP has today been appointed Secretary of State for Defence by Prime Minister Theresa May, following the resignation of Sir Michael Fallon.

Gavin Williamson (above) was elected Conservative MP for South Staffordshire in May 2010 and was Chief Whip (Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury) from 14 July 2016 to 2 November 2017.

Mr Williamson's role as chief whip has now been filled by his former deputy, Julian Smith.


(left to right) John Clark with Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson.
MoD / Crown copyright

Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, said: "I am both honoured and excited to have been appointed Defence Secretary. I have always had the greatest admiration for the professionalism and valour of all those who serve in our country’s Armed Forces.

"The United Kingdom faces rising threats in a worsening international security situation, making Defence’s work all the more important. It is imperative that we continue to take the fight to Daesh and keep Britain safe. As we leave the European Union, and forge a new Global Britain, Defence has the opportunity to deepen old friendships and contribute to building new ones around the world.

"I am determined to ensure that the Armed Forces receive the recognition they deserve for the great work they do, including through the Armed Forces Covenant, and that they evolve both to meet the changing threats that we face, and to ensure that they properly represent the modern society that they defend."

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt (right) welcomed his appointment, saying he looks forward to working with him on the defence and security challenges facing the UK: “I congratulate Gavin Williamson on his appointment as Secretary of State for Defence and look forward to working with him.

“The UK’s world-class defence and security industry is a national success story, working with the Government to respond to the rapidly evolving and complex international threats we face.

“Government commitments to boost industrial strategy, support defence exports and develop a closer relationship with the defence sector can deliver better long-term value for taxpayers, a more secure nation and rising prosperity.

“Industry stands ready to work with the new Defence Secretary on these challenges in the years ahead.”