Theorem’s Visualize 3D CATIA V5-Creo View Adapter supports CATIA V5 R28

Posted on 17 September, 2018 by Advance 

Tamworth based Theorem Solutions have released their latest Visualize 3D Adapter for CATIA V5 to Creo View users supporting up to and including CATIA V5-6R2014-2018.

For those that need to work with, or share, visualization data as part of design and manufacturing processes, the Theorem Visualize 3D suite of products offers direct translation of 3D data for the purpose of visualisation.

Theorem’s Visualize 3D brand supports lightweight data formats with a focus specifically on the direct translation of 3D CAD data from mechanical CAD systems for the purpose of Visualization, enabling users to work with and share data directly between different CAD and visualization applications and are aimed at creating visualisation data for users of digital mock-up, desktop and tablet viewing applications.

Using Theorem’s Visualize 3D as a direct conversion tool between CATIA V5 to Creo View reduces processing time, simplifies integration and retains accuracy of the model.

V21.1 now supports up to and including CATIA V5-6R2014-2018 and Creo View 4.2. V21.1 can be used independently of WindChill, or integrated into WindChill, allowing CATIA V5 managed data to be published and visualised on demand. As the Creo View data output is then synchronised with the CATIA source, an accurate up-to-date version of the design is always available, reducing costly errors.

The CATIA V5 to Creo View suite helps to secure Intellectual Property but at the same time supports a rich enough set of design data intelligence so that suppliers have all of the information required to complete their job.

Theorem’s strategic partnerships with Dassault Systemes and PTC ensures that there is parallel development between the latest releases of CATIA V5 and Creo View, and Theorem’s Visualize 3D products, allowing Theorem to continue to provide data solutions for the CAD community.