TBAT Innovation welcomes new team members

Posted on 11 November, 2020 by Advance 

TBAT Innovation Ltd have welcomed five new members to their team, as they continue to enjoy growth throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


Matt Symonds, Managing Director of TBAT Innovation Ltd,
Courtesy TBAT Innovation

Like many businesses all over the UK - TBAT Innovation Ltd approached the earlier part of 2020 with caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty that brought about for small businesses.

Following the introduction of lockdown restrictions in mid-March 2020, TBAT's existing team of 23 began working from home full-time, with the assistance of software solutions that allowed seamless remote working.

Unfortunately, at that point, their existing recruitment drive for two additional new team members had to be paused while they assessed and understood whether demand for their innovation support services would remain.
Once the dust had settled, TBAT saw a peak in enquiries for their services, in particular for Grant Funding and R&D Tax Credits support, as companies wanted to know how these sources of finance could improve their cashflow during the pandemic. This increased need resulted in TBAT hosting a variety of informative webinars and introducing a new online appointment booking system to allow companies to request a call back at a suitable time for them.

As TBAT moved toward the summer, it was decided that recruitment should resume to continue building their team and to cope with the increasing demand for innovation support. Rather than the two team members previously sought, five were now required.

A short recruitment campaign found the ideal candidates for all five positions; all team members have now been on-boarded (at a social distance, of course) and are successfully working from home.

Managing Director of TBAT Innovation Ltd, Matt Symonds, stated: "As with every business, when COVID hit we wondered what the future would hold. We count ourselves very lucky that as a niche service organisation, with a great established client base, we were able to carry on working remotely and indeed to grow.

"Recruiting and onboarding in this socially distanced world has certainly been interesting - I still have not physically met two of the new recruits - but we're fortunate to have a brilliant team that have supported new people into the business, so we can continue to best help our clients."

Director of TBAT Innovation Ltd, Sam Stephens, added: "What a roller coaster of a year. Covid was a curve ball nobody really I innovation saw coming and the impact has been huge across all industries. Fortunately for TBAT we have a strong, innovative client base that have, on the whole, continued their operations throughout the year.
"TBAT has been focused on helping these clients secure grants and make timely submissions of their R&D tax claims. This has only been possible by the fantastic effort our consultants and marketing teams have put in. The combined company effort has meant we have had to recruit new staff to enable us to deliver all the client projects.

"The grants team has been boosted by Oliver Gould (Bio-Chemistry) and Tom Preston (Construction and tendering) whilst our R&D Tax Team has the new additions of Dave Schorah (Sports Science) and Elizabeth Stephens (Bio-Chemistry). Finally, our sales and business development team has recruited Omar Bellfield as our initial contact for grants and R&D.

"I welcome them all aboard and wish them a great future at TBAT allowing them to grow and develop with us as TBAT looks to move in to 2021."