TAG Farnborough Airport launches Flying Scholarship 2019

Posted on 28 January, 2019 by Advance 

TAG Farnborough Airport has today launched the TAG Flying Scholarship 2019. Under the auspices of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots’ scholarship programme, TAG Farnborough Airport grants one person a scholarship with the aim of supporting individuals who might otherwise not have the necessary resources to gain flying experience and ultimately achieve their Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL).

The TAG Flying Scholarship is part of the airport’s 'Aviation to Education' programme. Now in its 12th year, the programme engages schools and colleges within the local area to inform and educate about aviation.

Over the past decade, scholarship recipients have progressed to a variety of professional roles within the aviation industry such as commercial airline pilot.

Last year’s scholarship recipient, 17-year-old Réshé Harrison (above), was able to pursue his dream of becoming a fully qualified pilot having overcome the enormous challenge of battling leukaemia as a child. Réshé completed his flight training at Redhill Aviation Flight Centre and successfully gained his PPL in October 2018.

Réshé said: "I would like to thank TAG Farnborough Airport for providing me with such a fantastic and unique opportunity. The support of the Flying Scholarship has provided me with that vital stepping stone to go on to university to study Aviation Management with Commercial Pilot License and has ultimately given me the chance to make my dreams a reality." 

Brandon O’Reilly, CEO TAG Farnborough Airport, said: “We are keen to encourage young people to not only become involved in the world of aviation but also reach their full potential and are extremely proud to support this initiative through our community engagement.”

Candidates must be at least 17 years old on 1st June 2019.

Further information is available on The Honourable Company of Air Pilots’ website
: www.airpilots.org/career-matters/scholarships/flying-scholarships-2019