TAG Farnborough Airport announces winner of Flying Scholarship 2017

Posted on 9 October, 2017 by Advance 

TAG Farnborough Airport has announced that 26-year-old Leo Tang has been awarded the TAG Flying Scholarship 2017 which will provide training towards a Private Pilot's Licence (PPL).

The TAG Flying Scholarship is part of the airport’s “Aviation to Education” programme.  Now in its 10th year, the programme engages schools and colleges within the local area to inform and educate about aviation. Each year, under the auspices of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots’ scholarship programme, TAG Farnborough Airport grants one young person a scholarship with the aim of supporting individuals who might otherwise not have the necessary resources to gain flying experience and ultimately achieve their PPL. Over the past decade, scholarship recipients have progressed to a variety of professional roles within the aviation industry such as commercial airline pilot.

Originally from Hong Kong and now living in Southampton, this year’s scholarship recipient, Leo Tang, studied Aerospace Engineering at the University of Bristol and since graduating has worked in a number of aircraft engineering focused roles before joining NATS and taking up the position of Operational Resource Analyst at the Air Traffic Control Centre at Swanwick. Before being awarded the scholarship, Leo completed a competitive application process, underwent various aptitude tests and an interview before final selection. His training is taking place at Phoenix Aviation’s base in Lee-on-the-Solent and the time flown will count towards a PPL.

Leo Tang said: "I would like to thank TAG Farnborough Airport for providing me with this fantastic opportunity. My ultimate goal has always been to pursue a career within the aviation industry, to become a professional pilot and ultimately qualify as a flying instructor, allowing me to pass on my skills to the next generation of young flying enthusiasts and encourage them to chase their dreams. The support of the Flying Scholarship is invaluable and is allowing me make my dreams a reality." 

Brandon O’Reilly, CEO TAG Farnborough Airport, said: “We are keen to encourage young people to reach their full potential and are extremely proud to support this through our community engagement. I'm delighted to award this scholarship to Leo as he pursues his career in the world of aviation and benefits from the flying experience this scheme offers."