Sutton's new Borough Commander unveils policing strategy

Posted on 18 May, 2016 by Advance 

Sutton's new Borough Commander Dave Stringer has unveiled a policing strategy for the borough built around local police officers working closely with local residents to prevent crime and make neighbourhoods safer.

Borough Commander Dave Stringer meeting residents in Sutton.

Chief Supt Stringer, who has spent 21 of his 23 years service with the Met Police working in neighbourhood policing, is keen to ensure police officers are out and about in their local neighbourhood where they can be seen and who are familiar with their area and understand local issues and concerns.

He said: “I want to build on the strong base of community policing in Sutton to maintain its status as one of the safest boroughs in London. I am keen to protect the most vulnerable people in our communities by working with schools to protect children and by helping the elderly, vulnerable and people with disabilities.

“We are fortunate that Sutton is a borough where partner organisations willingly come together and work to solve local problems - and we have a key role to play in bringing these parties together to make a positive difference to local residents and communities.”

He said he wants residents to talk to police officers and not hold back in reporting any suspicious behaviour such as unknown individuals hanging around in the street near vehicles and properties.

“With crime so low in Sutton, the main way we can work to reduce crime further is with the full support of local residents and communities. Tell us what’s going on and we will act on that information by taking appropriate action.

“We will be robust in pursuit of criminals and persistent offenders and see that they are removed from the streets and unable to commit further crimes.”

For the last year, Chief Supt Stringer has been based at New Scotland Yard where he has been working on youth and community engagement initiatives including hate crime.

Prior to that assignment, his long career in neighbourhood policing culminated in him being Borough Commander at Bexley for a year and at Tower Hamlets for three years.

“I am delighted to be at Sutton for both professional and personal reasons - I have strong family connections to the area.

“I am looking forward to meeting as many of Sutton’s residents and local community organisations as possible and intend to go out on foot patrol in every ward over the next few months,” said Chief Supt Stringer.