Stobart Executive Handling at Southend Airport conducts London business aviation time trial

Posted on 10 February, 2016 by Advance 

One cold Wednesday in February the newest competitor to the capital’s business jet market took to the road to demonstrate that it can compete in the London business aviation market as a 24-hour airport with absolutely no slot restrictions and good departure and arrival routes.

A Range Rover and Jaguar XJ kindly supplied by Beadles Group, Southend were the test cars and Canary Wharf the starting point. The Range Rover would be travelling to Luton before returning to its Docklands starting point for a second trip to Biggin Hill. The Jaguar XJ would be heading for Farnborough and then back to Canary Wharf before its second journey to London Southend.

The strict rules of the challenge meant that both cars had to observe speed restrictions and limits whilst heading to the most well known outer London FBO’s with independent photographers on board capturing images of landmarks and sign posts to prove that each vehicle had followed its pre-agreed routes.

By the end of the day the on-board trip computers proved once and for all that Stobart Executive Handling at London Southend Airport is a convenient airport to London and the City. The trip to London Southend was just 55-minutes, tying with London Luton Airport.

London Southend Airport showed big time savings made through short aircraft taxi times and avoidance of congested London airspace - ultimately saving fuel and precious minutes - with an average time of car to airborne in just five minutes.

Commenting on the result, LSA’s Head of Business Aviation Hannah Lo Bao said: “This has been a great bit of fun, but it also makes a serious point as it banishes the misconception that London Southend is a long way out of the City – this proves once and for all we absolutely are not.

“The Executive Handling facility at London Southend Airport is the smart business option as we can offer so much more that the other outer London airports cannot – we are open 24-hours a day, seven days a week, no slots required, direct ramp access for vehicle, better departure and arrival routes reduced flight time and less fuel burn, 16-minutes in helicopter to central London, a train station on site with up to eight trains per hour to Liverpool Street in just 53-minutes, the list goes on.”

Beadles Group is the new name for Jaguar and Land Rover in Southend. The dealership’s Head of Business, Andrew Bullimore said: “When we first heard about the idea, it appealed immediately. We were delighted to provide the challenge vehicles.”