Stirling and SGB extend simulators partnership

Posted on 29 November, 2016 by Advance 

Stirling Dynamics is continuing its support of SGB Enterprises, with a new contract to supply active controls for their UH-60 and CH-47 helicopter simulators, which builds upon a long term relationship involving joint development of the equipment.
SGB will provide its proven Cockpit Avionics Procedural Tool with visual and flight control systems (CAPTE-VCS) - a highly effective and accurate training tool for start-up, shutdown, on-ground and in-air emergency procedures. Stirling will be responsible for supplying seven cockpit control sets and spares. Each set includes both pilot and co-pilot controls which include active cyclics, collectives and pedals.

Under this new contract, which is in excess of $1m, Stirling will export the simulator sets to SGB in six shipments throughout 2017. 

SGB and Stirling have been working together since 2014 when they collaborated to develop the first UH-60M CAPTE-VCS system which was showcased at the I/ITSEC 2014 trade show.

“Stirling is extremely pleased to extend our partnership with SGB and to see their training systems encompass an increasing range of platforms and reaching an ever wider user community,” said Gareth Vaughan, Stirling’s Aerospace and Marine Systems (AMS) Business Manager.
“The SGB CAPTE-VCS product is proving to be an excellent training platform and we are proud to support the flagship model with our active simulator flight control technology.”

The award of this contract is further proof that Stirling’s active controls are at the forefront of simulator technology.