SSC to feature at Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Posted on 14 May, 2018 by Advance 

Shetland Space Centre has been invited to take part in this yearÂ’s Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in conjunction with the Royal Air Force and Edinburgh-based launch provider Skyrora.


Unst is Shetland’s and the UK’s most northerly island.
Courtesy Shetland Space Centre

A life-size model rocket that is being built by the Skyrora team will be on display throughout the Tattoo and members of the SSC team will be attending the annual event to speak about their plans for a small satellite rocket launch site and data download centre in Unst – Shetland’s and the UK’s most northerly island.
The invite came from the RAF which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and the force’s history will feature prominently at the Tattoo.
SSC Director Scott Hammond said: “We are naturally very pleased to have been asked to have a presence at this year’s Tattoo along with the RAF and Skyrora.”
Mr Hammond, a former RAF fighter pilot himself, added: “We are delighted in our own small way to be able to contribute to the celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the RAF.”