SRI study to explore security response to Covid-19

Posted on 3 June, 2020 by Advance 

Perpetuity Research has announced that ‘COVID-19 and the implications for security: has anything changed and why?’ is the next research project to be conducted as part of the Security Research Initiative (SRI).
Image courtesy Perpetuity Research

Now in its 16th year, the SRI, supported by ADS, ASIS, BSIA and SyI, and sponsored by security suppliers and corporate organisations, is a thought leadership initiative that facilitates independent analysis and debate on topics important to the global security world.  The research is conducted by Perpetuity Research and led by Professor Martin Gill.

Each year a piece of research is conducted for the benefit of the whole security sector, with the aim of understanding key issues and identifying what needs to be done to effect change. Notable previous projects include the Security Strategy Toolkit, Aspiring to Excellence (upon which the Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs) is based), Buyer-Supplier relationships in the security sector, plus many more.

Commenting on the research due to start in June 2020, Professor Martin Gill said “This year’s project will have a global reach and relevance and will explore the security response to Covid-19, not just at the height of the crisis but in its aftermath, to identify what the lessons are for good security. This will include looking at why security succeeded and failed; what has and will have to change in how security is provided; and what this pandemic has demonstrated about the value of security. The aim is to provide insights that will help the sector reflect and understand how to develop a stronger response to future crises.”

Current SRI members include Axis Security, Bidvest Noonan, ICTS, Interr, Interserve, KPMG, M&S, Mitie, OCS, PwC, Securitas, Security Industry Authority and Sodexo. Membership is open to security organisations and corporate organisations in any country.