Singapore Airshow: Rolls-Royce launches IntelligentEngine

Posted on 5 February, 2018 by Advance 

Rolls-Royce today launched its pioneering IntelligentEngine vision at the Singapore Airshow, being held at the Changi Exhibition Centre (6-11 February 2018).

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With more people flying than ever before and an increasing demand for more efficient travel, Rolls-Royce has defined a vision for the future of aircraft power that will help deliver passengers more reliably and more efficiently than ever before.

The IntelligentEngine vision is based on a belief that the worlds of product and service have become so closely connected that they are now inseparable. This trend was first identified when Rolls-Royce introduced the market-defining TotalCare service in the 1990s and, since then, advancements in digital capability have accelerated this change and further blurred the boundary between the two.

The coming together of product and service, supercharged by digital technology, offers Rolls-Royce a wealth of opportunities to improve the way it provides power to its customers.

In addition to designing, testing, and maintaining engines in the digital realm, the IntelligentEngine vision sets out a future where an engine will be increasingly connected, contextually aware and comprehending, helping to deliver greater reliability and efficiency:

Connected – with other engines, its support ecosystem, and with its customer, allowing for regular, two-way flow of information between many parties

Contextually aware – of its operating context, constraints and the needs of the customer, allowing it to respond to the environment around it without human intervention

Comprehending – learning from its own experiences and from its network of peers to adjust its behaviour and achieve best performance

Dominic Horwood, Rolls-Royce, Director, Customer and Services – Civil Aerospace, said: “We are determined to pioneer the power that matters for our customers and our IntelligentEngine vision will allow us to do this.

“We have the right people, the right skills and the right infrastructure to grasp this opportunity and deliver world-beating digital insight, helping us to deliver even greater value for our customers.”

The IntelligentEngine vision enables Rolls-Royce to find new ways of pioneering power, whether that is through its engines installed today, through its future UltraFan® engine design, or even through the hybrid-electric concepts of the future.

Rolls-Royce’s R2 Data Labs, an acceleration hub for data innovation launched in December 2017, will play a key role in achieving the aims of the IntelligentEngine. Using advanced data analytics, industrial Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques, R2 Data Labs develops data applications that unlock design, manufacturing and operational efficiencies within Rolls-Royce, and creates new service propositions for customers.