SimCentric Technologies launch North America Office

Posted on 8 March, 2017 by Advance 

SimCentric Technologies opened its North America Office on 1st March 2017, in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

It marks an important step for SimCentric in enhancing the engagement, responsiveness, programme support and collaborative teaming capacity for both its military and industry partners.

SimCentric also welcomed Mr Lee Power (right) as its new Senior Director – North America, and head of US based operations. Lee completed 20 years of distinguished service in the US Army as a Joint Fires Observer including numerous key artillery appointments and operational deployments.

On his transition from the US Army in 2013, Lee took up a management position at Booz Allen Hamilton as XVIII Airborne Corps team lead for the US Army Games for Training and Joint Fires Observer programmes.

Adam Easton, CEO SimCentric Technologies commented: “We are excited at the opportunities our new North America location will enable for both new development, as well as enhancing our contribution to existing programs.

"We are also thrilled at having an individual of Lee Power’s caliber, experience, technical skills and reputation join our SimCentric management team. His deep understanding of US military training frameworks and extensive professional skills will ensure we can continue to deliver relevant, efficient and integrated simulation offerings.”