SelectaDNA helps reduce cable theft

Posted on 10 February, 2016 by Advance 

According to new figures released by Network Rail (which includes data collected up until 31 December 2015), the number of incidents of cable theft fell from 845 in 2011-12 to 61 so far in 2015-16. The total delay caused by cable theft has decreased by 88%, from 344,685 minutes in 2011-12 to 41,865 so far this year.

As part of the deterrent work, British Transport Police credits the use of forensic marking, CCTV, a Network Rail helicopter, trembler alarms and other devices to protect railway cable, and they have also encouraged better security at depots and lineside.

SelectaDNA has been used by security solutions firm LandSherrifs since 2011 to reduce and deter metal theft on routes owned by Network Rail including the Anglia, Kent and Sussex lines; and on the HS1 route, which is maintained by Network Rail.

Over the course of 12 months (2012-13), use of SelectaDNA Trace in conjunction with other security measures, helped reduce cable theft on Network Rail’s Anglia route by 82% and helped cut delays by 86%.

The collaboration has been highly successful reducing metal theft on all marked routes using SelectaDNA.

There have also been no live cable thefts for nearly two years on the HS1 rail route since SelectaDNA has been used to protect the entire line (2013-15).

SelectaDNA is a specially-formulated spray containing UV markers, synthetic DNA and metal particles that can be used to identify the cable as belonging to a particular rail operator and coming from a specific location. It has been deployed at specific crime hotspots along the routes to reduce the number of thefts of rail equipment such as copper cable, rail track and signal boxes belonging to Network Rail.

Tyler Le May from LandSherrifs said: “Once metal has been marked, its resale value to the criminal plummets. We have found SelectaDNA to be a highly effective way of deterring metal thieves in the first instance.

“Thieves know that if they are caught with metal marked with SelectaDNA then the police are able to connect them directly to a particular theft and they will almost certainly be convicted.”

Chris Gough at Land Sheriffs added: “Having thousands of visible SelectaDNA signs in place has also acted as a deterrent and helped us achieve the low amount of cable crime on the HS1 route. This is as a direct result of using SelectaDNA.”

The partnership between SelectaDNA, Land Sheriffs and Network Rail has been a cost-effective but hugely beneficial one, helping the South East of England combat the plague of metal theft with great effect.