SeeQuestor wins Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Innovation

Posted on 26 July, 2017 by Advance 

Based on its recent analysis of the law enforcement video forensics market, Frost & Sullivan has named SeeQuestor as the recipient of the 2017 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Innovation.

In response to law enforcement organisations' increasing need to manage, analyze and deliver video evidence as part of their investigations, SeeQuestor has developed best-in-class video analytics tools and enhanced their functionality by streamlining and integrating the entire video evidence process. It collaborates with clients in product development, offers a range of delivery options, and consistently presents best-in-industry applications to set itself apart as a technology innovator and partner in the digital law enforcement industry.

SeeQuestor’s solution can ingest and standardize video footage from a range of sources, including digital formats such as hard drives and legacy formats like tapes and cassettes. The industry-specific platform boasts functions for rapid and accurate facial detection, and a patented full-body recognition functionality to identify suspects easily.

"SeeQuestor’s platform ensures that the video footage is fully traceable, secure and managed through the analysis process so that the integrity of the video is intact,” said Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Robert Haddon. "By focusing on privacy by design, and wrapping video analysis capabilities in a rigid, tamperproof case management system, the company has enabled law enforcement authorities to use videos as admissible evidence without compromising privacy or transparency."

SeeQuestor's solutions have met with high praise from several influential UK-based surveillance groups. Its ongoing engagement with customers, end users, and influencers will remain a key element of its strategy to evolve the system’s capabilities in line with customers’ ever-changing demands.

The platform can apply analytics to almost any footage source, which helps it present investigators with a unified and easy-to-use solution. Combined with its patented video analytics technology and its structured case engagement system, SeeQuestor has created a complex and focused product with deep-learning capabilities.

Furthermore, SeeQuestor’s platform is designed to provide a range of delivery opportunities to customers so they can better manage their operational expenses. Its systems are delivered as three packages that use an on-premises server for faster analysis and secure information storage. The system's ease of installation and integration as well as software-as-a-service (SaaS) model allows prospective clients to evaluate the system in a real-time scenario, pay as they go, and scale up its capabilities as needed.

Although the platform has been developed primarily for the law enforcement industry, SeeQuestor’s focus on flexibility, fast analytics and collaborative workflow could open up opportunities in the critical national infrastructure space," noted Haddon. "Overall, the bespoke, all-in-one video analysis and case management system gives the company a distinct edge and sets it up for future growth across industries."

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has demonstrated uniqueness in developing and leveraging new technologies, which significantly impacts both the functionality and the customer value of the new products and applications. The award lauds the high R&D spend towards innovation, its relevance to the industry, and the positive impact on brand perception.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.