Royal Navy signs evaluation contract for Kleos data

Posted on 28 May, 2021 by Advance 

Kleos Space Ltd - the UK subsidiary of Kleos Space S.A. - confirmed today that the Royal Navy has signed an evaluation contract for Kleos data.


Kleos Scouting Mission artwork,
Courtesy Kleos Space

Under the contract, the Royal Navy will have access to Kleos' geospatial data product: Guardian Locate for evaluation purposes. The product delivers geolocated radio frequency transmissions collected over key areas of interest by Kleos' satellites to complement existing datasets enhancing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.

Kleos' Senior Military Advisor, Air Cdre Pete Round commented: “we welcome the opportunity to work with one of the world’s oldest and greatest blue water Navy’s and look forward to a positive outcome to the evaluation period.”

Kleos’ satellites collect data that is used to detect and geolocate radio frequency transmissions, enhancing the detection of illegal activity, including piracy, drug and people smuggling, border security challenges and illegal fishing. Its global activity-based data is sold as-a-service to governments and commercial entities, complementing existing commercial datasets.

The Kleos Space Group is a space enabled, activity-based intelligence, data as a service company based in Luxembourg, the US and the UK.