Rolls-Royce Trent 900s to power ANA A380s

Posted on 1 February, 2016 by Advance 

The decision reinforces the Trent 900’s position as the engine of choice on the A380. It has been selected by the majority of A380 customers and has more than 50 per cent market share.

The selection of the Trent 900 further strengthens the relationship between Rolls-Royce and ANA Group. Rolls-Royce is currently providing Trent 1000 engines for all of ANA’s Boeing 787 Dreamliners.

Dominic Horwood, Rolls-Royce, Director, Customers & Services - Civil Aerospace, said: “ANA Group is an extremely respected and valued customer and we are honoured that they have chosen us again to power their new airplane. The Trent 900 is the clear engine of choice on the A380 and we look forward to seeing the A380 and Trent 900 flying with ANA Group.”

The Trent 900 powered the first commercial A380 flight in 2007 and is now used by eight operators and has accumulated 5.5 million in-service flight hours.