Rolls-Royce launches LessorCare

Posted on 24 January, 2017 by Advance 

Rolls-Royce is today launching LessorCare, a pioneering new service tailored specifically to the needs of lessors. LessorCare, part of the wide range of services offered by Rolls-Royce, addresses lessors’ needs for a simple and flexible service offering. It draws together a range of services under one comprehensive framework, while still allowing lessor customers the opportunity to adapt the level of service through the life of the engine.

Rolls-Royce is working in collaboration with key lessor customer AerCap on the design and introduction of LessorCare, in advance of rolling it out to the wider lessor community later this year.

Under LessorCare, customers will sign one, simple, agreement covering all Rolls-Royce Trent engine types. This agreement will cover all the services they require, including customer support, transitions services (with return condition management, remarketing support and maintenance value portability) and asset management.

Beyond these initial services, Rolls-Royce will continue to work with lessor customers to develop LessorCare, working towards even closer integration between our engine services and the lease agreements that lessors have with airlines. This will allow Rolls-Royce and lessors to provide even greater value to their common airline customer during the lease and transition of an airplane.

Dominic Horwood, Rolls-Royce, Director, Customers and Services – Civil Aerospace, said: “Rolls-Royce has always been a leader in service innovation and today’s launch of LessorCare is the next step on our journey, recognising just how important lessors are as our customers. We are delighted to be collaborating with AerCap and know that their insight will be invaluable in ensuring we deliver another market-leading service.”

Aengus Kelly, CEO, AerCap, said: “We have been working closely with Rolls-Royce to expand the range of services solutions to offer more choice for owners and operators across the life-cycle. We believe that LessorCare is another important step in this journey and we look forward to collaborating further with Rolls-Royce.”