Rolls-Royce announces LessorCare launch customers

Posted on 23 January, 2018 by Advance 

Rolls-Royce has today announced AerCap, Avolon and Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd as launch customers for LessorCare, its new service tailored specifically to lessors' needs.

These launch customers will adopt LessorCare across their existing and future fleets of Trent-powered aircraft, drawing together a range of services under one simple, flexible and comprehensive framework.

Philip Scruggs, President and Chief Commercial Officer, AerCap, said: “We are delighted to be a launch customer for LessorCare. Having worked closely with Rolls-Royce to develop a service that gives us the choice and flexibility that we need across the life-cycle of our fleet of Trent-powered aircraft, we look forward to working together to further develop LessorCare as a platform for future growth.”

Paul Geaney, Head of OEM at Avolon, commented: “We are delighted to become a launch customer of LessorCare with Rolls-Royce. At Avolon, our passion for innovation means that we continuously strive to create solutions that will drive greater efficiencies for our customers. This service will allow us to meet our customers’ evolving needs and will enable us to continue to deliver high levels of operational efficiency.”

Firoz Tarapore, Chief Executive Officer of DAE, said: “We are pleased to select LessorCare and look forward to working with Rolls-Royce as we implement it across our Trent fleet.”

Mark Harrison, Rolls-Royce, Vice-President, Customer Business – Civil Aerospace, said: “We are delighted to have this first wave of LessorCare customers. At Rolls-Royce we have a reputation for service innovation and LessorCare takes us another step further in 2018.”

LessorCare comprises one single, comprehensive agreement for all Trent engine types, giving customers access to all the services that they need throughout the engine lifecycle. It allows lessors to pay for what they want when they need it. The benefits are faster and easier access, the incorporation of services today and for the future, and the maximising of return on investment.

LessorCare services include:

Customer support – Rolls-Royce’s network of technical support, publications, and training to optimise responsiveness and keep aircraft earning revenue.

Transitions services – a range of maintenance and availability services, to ensure aircraft move faster and more efficiently between leases. Services include engine maintenance and remarketing support.

Asset management – a range of solutions that build on Rolls-Royce’s experience of working in close partnership with airlines worldwide to maximise engine values through their life-cycle. These solutions will include LifeKey which will be our enhanced form of OPERA (Operating Lessor Engine Restoration Agreement) that provides portability and liquidity for maintenance value.

Beyond these initial services, Rolls-Royce will continue to work with these customers to develop LessorCare further, working towards even closer integration of aftermarket services and aircraft lease agreements.