Rolls-Royce and Enstrom sign new five-year agreement for M250 engines

Posted on 3 March, 2016 by Advance 

The 480B is Enstrom’s flagship turbine helicopter, known for its combination of safety and stability. The five-seat aircraft serves as a military trainer and is well suited for law enforcement, emergency medical and commercial, agricultural and private operations.

The Enstrom 480B helicopter is powered exclusively by a single Rolls-Royce M250-C20W engine. More than 220 M250-powered 480B helicopters are in service throughout the world.

Jason Propes, Rolls-Royce, Senior Vice President, Helicopters, said: “The reliable Rolls-Royce M250 engine is ideally suited for the Enstrom 480B helicopter, offering a unique and compact engine design. We are delighted to continue our relationship with Enstrom Helicopters.”

Tracy Biegler, President and CEO of Enstrom Helicopter, said: “We value our relationship with Rolls-Royce and our combined global service network provides our customers with the best support solution in the industry.”

The Rolls-Royce M250 engine has powered more than 235 million flight hours of dependable service and over 31,000 M250 engines have been delivered to the marketplace.