Rainey endowed school wins Northern Ireland youth rocketry challenge 2017

Posted on 3 April, 2017 by Advance 

NI champions now move on to UK national finals for a place in the global
final at the Paris Air Show in June. This is the third time the Rainey Endowed School has won the competition.

A team of innovative ambitious students from Rainey Endowed School have been crowned the winners of a prestigious competition to encourage more young people to consider careers in the aerospace industry. The Northern Ireland Final of the UK Aerospace Youth Rocketry Challenge (UKAYRoC), organised by trade organisation ADS Group, took place recently at RLC (UK) in Crumlin.

UKAYRoC teams have to design, construct and successfully launch a rocket, carrying a hen's eggs to an altitude of 775ft and return the eggs safely to ground using a single 15 inch parachute.

The challenge provides students, aged between 11 and 18, with a realistic experience in designing a flying aerospace vehicle that meets a specified set of mission and performance requirements.  Students have to work together in teams, just as aerospace engineers do.  The challenge is not intended to be easy, but it is well within the capabilities of secondary school students with a good background in science, maths and some craftsmanship skills.

The winning school was sponsored by Moyola Precision Engineering based in Castledawson. The runners up were Bloomfield Collegiate from Belfast, first time entrants to the competition and were sponsored by Resonate Testing Ltd who has established a new facility in Newry.

Dr Leslie Orr, ADS Northern Ireland Manager, said: “Our warm congratulations go out to all who participated and particularly to the winning team from Rainey Endowed School.  The rocketry challenge is designed to spark an interest in science, technology, engineering and maths. It was obvious from the enthusiasm on show from all the finalists that our aim was met. We are also very pleased that local companies participated and sponsored schools in their area. This is about developing the future talent to grow the aerospace Industry.  We wish every success to the Northern Ireland rocketry champions at the national finals.”